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Lead Kindness Hero Musab Abbaz

Joined Hands for peace

"One of the signs of passing youth is the birth of a sense of fellowship with other human beings as we take our place among them." says Virginia Woolf and accordingly Mr. Musab Abbaz has joined hands with his fellow philanthrophers to bring out the best service that he can, to humanity.

Mr. Musab, a representative of 'The Student Islamic Organisation of India' with full support from the 'Jamat E Islamic Hind' has taken measures in providing the basic essential items of survival like rice, dall, oil etc., to the needy people as the chronic illness, Covid '19 has its spread overwhelmed and all the groceries and vegetables shops have restricted time to be kept open in Tamil Nadu and in many parts of the nation. He serves the people of Coimbatore. With the support of the government and the funds raised from the common people around him who wish to help, he has been serving to make the pandemic condition normal.

He helps the organization by being there when they need social workers like him, the most. He takes pride in saying that he aids those who are in peril. His daily routine includes receiving a to-do list and his day ends up with completing all those tasks given to him. Those tasks include all the possible help that he can do to help the needy community while still all the government orders are also being followed.

We salute Lead Kindness Hero Musab Abbaz

Story By : Gayathri Krithika


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