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Lead Kindness Hero Seva Bhab Group

“Be the reason someone smiles. Be the reason someone feels loved and believes in the goodness in people”

- Roy T. Bennett

With the number of positive COVID-19 cases rising to 1364, Maharashtra has emerged as an epicenter of this outbreak in India. As the civilians are forced to remain indoors, the daily wagers and labourers are affected the worst. For daily wage earners, a significant number of them migrants, the lockdown has come as a tsunami - at short notice, giving them little time to prepare for the consequences and threatening to take away everything they had managed to build and save.

Amidst the adverse situation a group of friends who empathize to the plights of these workers are stepping forward and taking matters to their own hand.

Seva Bhab Group is a non-profit organization managed by a group of friends hailing from Aurangabad, Maharashtra.

The group came into existence while discussing the fate of daily wage labourers during the pandemic and the impact it will cause in their lives. Initially they had started pooling funds to help the daily wage workers with the ration for 7 days. What started on 22nd March 2020 as a small initiative has eventually got them helping the daily Wage workers for extended lock down period as well.

Seva Bhab Group has provided weekly ration to more than 300 families of daily wages workers. They have collaborated with other local NGOs and Groups to identify people those who are in actual need to the ration packets. They have also helped community kitchens in the city by donating wheat, oil, rice, etc. These community kitchens serve cooked food to needy people during the lockdown.

So far, Seva Bhab Group has been successful in altering 1200 lives. When asked what the reason behind their selfless service is, they answered that they wanted to be the reason someone believe in the goodness of mankind.

They have been relentlessly visiting sites and helping the indigent as much as they can. We acknowledge compassionate souls like these.

We salute our lead kindness hero SEVA BHAB GROUP.

Story By: Ankita Mohanty


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